Pandemic Poetry: A Collection of Poetic Musings on Life During the Coronavirus

‘Pandemic Poetry’ contains reflections about the Black Lives Matter movement, urban and rural lifestyles, war, climate change and significant occasions, like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day and birthdays.

“I wrote this during my own isolation to share my observations, concerns and optimism with others who may be feeling despondent during this pandemic,” Terry said, “to let them know they are not alone and that while these times may be troubling for many, they are also temporary and provide an opportunity for self-reflection as well.” Mark Terry

See a sampling of the book here.

“Dr. Terry wrote these words like he was reading my mind and could feel my thoughts. This collection captures all of our experiences through this pandemic.” Boyce

“At first glance, I was impressed that Pandemic Poetry, by Dr. Mark Terry, is beautifully illustrated completely in colour. It creates new light on the challenging subject we are all facing. As a journalist for twenty years, Mark has expressed his thoughts in a professional manner, while tugging at our heartstrings. The main message of the poems is that we are together in this pandemic and it is temporary.
The power of nature and our connection to it is the theme throughout the book. Having spent time in Antarctica, one of Mark’s poems describes it as “like visiting a planet yet without leaving Earth. The beauty of this continent consistent since its birth.” And although the pandemic is not there, global warming is taking place, and that also needs our concerns.
Dr. Mark Terry, as a producer, director, writer, publicist, and actor, has made a documentary film on every continent on earth. That is a unique distinction. His impressive resume includes being decorated with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for international humanitarian service.
Pandemic Poetry is an easy read and will make a great souvenir about how people feel having to deal with Covid 19.” Jean Kaye